Friday, May 27, 2022

Mini-series: Hate The Player Not the Game



  1. It started so simply, so easy, to transfigure him into a girl. To help his friend but after time, became more complex than a simple proof.

  2. Eric, now Erica realized he really could not trust Lisa regardless of which team he was on. He asked his roommate to return him to his male form but the spell went wrong making Erica remain a girl! Send me Erica's address as I want to romance her and just let me know if she prefers the male me or I need to transform to a she. Whatever she wants, I'm ready for her! Zoe

    1. Like I said it was supposed to be simple, but as he was more, she, physically, biologically. Then the emotional, the mentally factor starts to seep in his/her mind. That he is more she in nature. But was she is the basic is the same?
