Friday, June 26, 2020

Each Other?


  1. You and Lara go beck to the fortune tellers house. You both go in this time and when the old witch comes out to great you she is a he and young. She told you that magic has a price and she needed to be young again but the guy thing was a side effect for her but did not matter she had been a guy 5 times already. Now on to you two young children she waves her hand over your heads then stops over Lara's moves to her stomach then stops. She looks at the two of you and said: " sorry can't change you back seeing you two had sex last night their is a life in your womb now it is up too the tow of you to chose what to do with that life but Lara you will always be a woman from now till you die. Two years later the witch now a wizard walled into the local store found a loving couple with a 2yr old a new baby and a happy mother after she found out they were going to have a third child. The wizard said too the parent that was a great date you two went on I see.
