Saturday, March 9, 2019

Miniseries Friends Forever

1 comment:

  1. Very cute and what a way to tie up loose ends Henry, Sue lyn. got to see her to best friends become a couple. Sue Lyn had a few girlfriend and a few boyfriends till the day she met Tim he was everything she was looking for and with in a short time they were getting married Sue Lyn need to tell Tim the truth about who she was but it was Tim that broke down and told Sue Lyn that he was once a girl transformed by magic by a lesbian friend of hers because she would not go that way so the woman cursed her to become a guy and give up all the pretty and sexy things of being a woman. So in the end Tim was able to have a relationship and marriage with Sue Lyn and still influence her on her fashion everyone was happy Tim and Sue Lyn got married and had 4 children and their best friends Greg and Amy got married and had 3 children of their own.
